How To Attract Millennial Customers Through Your On-Demand Apps?

6 Ways to Attract Millennial Customers Through Your On-Demand Apps

In this digital era, mobile phones are not any less than the magic wand that grants wishes. Mobile devices have a huge demand in the market and there are several models of mobile devices to choose from.

Whether you select the iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows, etc you will come across with different features and technologies that are specifically designed to ease all the complicated day-to-day routine.

At the end of this post, you will learn about on-demand apps and all the different tactics to attract customers through on-demand apps.

Everyone knows that any mobile device requires apps to actually access the features and technology that the device offers. But it is not possible that the device manufacturers can provide you with all apps at once. Therefore there are app stores from where you can select any app you like and need.

The market for mobile apps has also grown exponentially in the last decade. The main reason behind this growth is the user base of mobile apps. And the dominant group of users of mobile apps is the millennial (people born after 1981) and the apps that have attracted them the most is the on-demand apps.

Studies suggest that people between the ages of 15 to 24 check their smartphones over 378 times a day. This proves that if you are able to build an app that would catch this user base’s attention then your app can be successful.

But satisfying the millennial customer’s needs is not an easy task. And for you to satisfy the millennial customers, you have to understand them first. But before that, you need to understand what on-demand apps are.

What are on-demand Apps?

In simple words, on-demand apps are apps that act as an intermediate between customers and vendors.

But unlike vendors, on-demand apps deliver products directly to the customer’s home and the payment is done online or after the delivery.

This trend in business is getting a lot of attention according to many studies. As per a survey conducted in 2015, almost half of the on-demand app consumers are Millennials.

6 Ways to Attract Customers Through On-Demand Apps:

Given below are some tips that will help you understand what millennial customers are looking for on any on-demand apps.

1. Time trumps Money for Millennials

Millennials have a busy and hectic schedule to follow and they rely on online services for several routine activities.

If you own a grocery app or online food delivery app then you have to value time like you value money.

Millennials really value time above money.

If you see the online shopping revenue of the last year by millennial customers then you will realize the same thing.

This generation needs everything fast and on-demand apps.  You need a reputation for delivering products on time and without any hassle.

So for millennial customers, fast delivery of service means good service.

If you give importance to your user time, you open the door for making money online.

2. Be as New and Innovative as Possible

An app idea must be new as well as innovative as possible. There are so many innovations around us that change our life and daily lifestyle.

Look in the market what is lacking and see what your target audience is lacking and design your idea according to it. If your idea has the potential and if you have the hunger to serve properly, millennial customers will be able to spot you easily.

Remember the innovation of an app attracts millennial customers the most. So open your mind and fish out the best idea you can.

3. Keep the Service Process as Short as Possible

Millennial customers always look for convenient solution hence they seek online help. And you can solve their convenience problem by adding the one-tap solution to your application.

You can also make the service process as short and easy as possible which will encourage them to use your application again.

For example,

if you have an e-commerce app and if you personalize the suggested products on the base of that exact customer’s search pattern then the user can find their required product easily.

And if it is a usual customer there is no need for the user to rewrite the complete the address, your app can personalize the address field.

4. Don’t Forget about the Social Media

Some apps restrict many social media platforms that can be an issue for many millennial customers. In spite of their busy and hectic schedules, millennial customers always need their social media profile backing them up.

If you are able to include as many social media platform as possible, you can totally benefit from that. Over that, it is also crucial to maintain social media presence to keep your product in the competition.

Related post to social media for your business:

5. Build an App with Easy Navigation

First of all, there are so many reasons you need a mobile app for your business. In today’s digital era, you can not survive without your business app.

It is a sweet trick for attracting millennial customers. Keep your app as simple as possible and personalize your app according to each customer.

Easy navigation will encourage the customers to avail your services more often. For example, if you have an e-commerce app, then you can suggest your user products with good description and clear image. The UX and UI design of the page will make the navigation better for the user. Also, add a rating feature in the app to know how your app is performing.

6. Use Digital Medium for Payment

A digital payment gateway is a great way to the easy transaction for millennial customers. It is also the part of the one-tap solution.

Big Companies Providing Payment Gateway:

Companies like Samsung and Apple have been successful to create an easy solution for faster payment with the help of Samsung pay and Apple pay.

Even the credit cards and debit cards have been outdated for millennial customers. So if you integrate digital payment platforms into your app, it will be beneficial for you to do business with millennial customers.

These are the best ways to attract customers through on-demand apps.

As per studies conducted by Harvard Business Review, Millennials make up to 49% out of total on-demand app customers. And to satisfy them, your app needs to be impressive enough.

Follow the above-given tips and make your app millennial customer friendly. There are many companies of Mobile App Development that can help you build your on-demand app if you don’t have the resources to put together an app yourself.

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