11 Latest Social Media Marketing Research to Grow Your Small Business in 2025

What are the social media marketing trends to follow for your business?

The world of social media is forever changing. It’s changing this very moment, as you’re reading this post. Trends come and go by so fast, that sometimes, some of us don’t even notice.

This is a huge challenge for social media marketers and they have to keep themselves updated on all the trends.

In 2023 alone, as per social media marketing research, social media saw immense changes and revolutions.

Latest Social Media Marketing Research and Trend

So, without further ado, here are the 10 biggest and latest social media marketing trends of 2023, so far:

1. The death of Twitter as we know it so far

For some time now, we have become accustomed to advertising of all kinds in our usual social networks. This content will continue to grow substantially in 2023, as companies have realized the commitment that the public has to their social networks, much more than any type of online shopping application.

However, Twitter, due to the ephemeral nature of its content, which is its main feature, will not achieve the necessary interest for advertisers, who will seek new niche sales in other networks.

2. Instagram will continue to grow

The growth of Instagram is a fact. In 2016, Instagram Stories and Instagram Shopping caused brands to increase spending on advertising on this social network.

Although Facebook will continue to be the social platform par excellence, none of the following has managed to reach its level. Instagram is leading the way in advertising investment.

Since it was born, Instagram is probably one of the networks that have actually been renewed.

They understood what the customer is looking for and have given it at all times. In turn, it has recognized the growing need for social selling and has been updated, allowing companies to use this platform as an online storefront for users.

In short, all these components will be “the year of Instagram”.

Marketers are investing a huge amount of money to put their products at the front. Many successful marketers, get conversions by targeting Facebook ads to the right audience.

3. Increase in interactive content

Companies will leverage interactive content in which customers must make decisions about the outcome.

The idea is that the user is not simply a spectator of reality but can actively intervene in it, making their decisions fundamental when it comes to informing or selling.

Companies have realized that the important thing about advertising campaigns is not the customer’s memory, but the fact that they share the content and interact with it.

This way you can compare the results within your circle, making the campaign expand more quickly.

Writing content is a skill and you must follow 3 basic professional tips for making engaging content.

4. Virtual Reality Grows

The likelihood that social networks are filled with this type of content is increasing.

Role of Facebook in VR Growth:

Facebook will boost the creation of content based on virtual reality in its platform thanks to the Oculus Rift, one of the best inventions in this field.

Role of Google in VR Growth:

For its part, Google will be renewed as we are accustomed to seeing.

Role of Twitter in VR Growth:

However, Twitter, as mentioned in the beginning, will have to renew itself in this area or will end up being another of the many social networks that have ended up in oblivion.

5. LinkedIn renews itself

Microsoft’s professional network will also have to be renewed, especially in the advertising field.

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram have proven to be better than LinkedIn in the B2B field.

The transformation of the ads in this social network will have to be produced so that LinkedIn does not start to register losses instead of profits.

Become a LinkedIn influencer and start shaping your business. It has become popular as one of the best social media marketing trends for the B2B field.

6. The 360° video is here to stay

This type of content has slowly flooded our social networks. Network users increasingly create 360-degree videos with their cameras and then publish them on the Internet.

It allows viewers to immerse themselves in an engaging experience that recreates situations and places they do not yet know.

You might have seen lots of 360°videoss and photos on your Facebook wall.

2023 will be the year in which all types of companies, such as hotels, shops, or restaurants penetrate this type of content. It is providing a greater customer experience.

7. The social sale will reach the B2B

As we said above, large companies and SMEs have realized the importance of social channels to sell their products.

Each and every one of the networks has the characteristics that companies value when using them for their own purposes.

As per social media marketing research, this year will be the year of social sales. That is, of commerce through social networks, so that B2B will stop being just a transaction between corporations to join also to the social sphere.

You need to have your own social marketing strategy to stand out from the crowd and for your business growth.

8.  Telling stories through videos is becoming more popular.

As per social media marketing research reports, the way people tell stories on social networks has changed. Short videos predominate on the most important Internet platforms, one way or another.

Snapchat filters:

Snapchat strives every day to renew its filters or its interface so that users can tell stories in their different profiles.

Instagram stories:

For its part, Instagram has created Instagram Stories that have characteristics similar to Snapchat and also allow it to do the same.

However, users are increasingly demanding that these videos have a longer duration. Therefore, other applications that are currently almost nonexistent at the moment, but are dedicated exclusively to meeting this demand, will have their peak by the end of 2023.

Read these 5 Simple Video Marketing Tips if you want to gain popularity using video marketing.

9. The Importance of Privacy Grows

The Internet is already commonplace in our lives and the control over the privacy of our profiles has already achieved important development that did not exist before.

Users hide their profiles from strangers, so they also close the door to all brands that cannot connect with them.

What will be the future in this area? 

Perhaps the responsibility falls on the influencers, who will be in charge of transmitting the publicity to all those users to whom the marks do not arrive. The second option is to increase mobile marketing, reaching customers through messaging.

10. Blog consolidates as a social medium

The main purpose of writing a blog is to share knowledge. If you follow the proper blogging tips you can stand out.

Being informed through social networks is already common in all of us. However, Twitter 140 characters already fall short to understand a news story. We also reject the false news that we find day by day on Facebook.

For this reason, blogs will gradually become less important in this area. They will become platforms that will self-feed each other, accumulating organic content on different topics, which will turn them into networks with a lot of informative value.

Each field will be covered by professionals of the sector in question, who will share ideas and knowledge, deepening in this way the specialization of the different subjects.

11. [Bonus Tip]: Mobile App for Your Business Increasing Sales

If you have an online business, it is time to get a mobile app for your business. Here is why you need a mobile app for your business.

We already know the smartphone market cap and how people are addicted to the smartphone. The business already has mobile apps making huge sales through their mobile app.

If you are thinking of doing business in Floride, then you should consider a Florida LLC.

This is all about social media marketing research and trends. What is your opinion about social media marketing? Please share with me by commenting below.

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