[Step-By-Step Guide] 8 Kick Start Internal Blog Strategy for You

What are the Internal Blog Strategy to increase the traffic on your blog?

Not everyone can start a blog. I mean blog writing requires a certain form of flair for writing and excellent research skills. Blogs are not a place where you vent out whatever is on your mind.

Rather, it is a place where you offer takeaways to the reader/visitor. Blogs often are the real drivers behind a site’s success.

There are so many common blogging myths and many bloggers are still following these. Don’t fall in the trap. Follow the internal blog strategy excerpt from many successful bloggers.

Start Internal Blog Strategy

Internal Blog Strategy to Outreach:

There are several bloggers and each their own version of how to go about or managing one’s blog. These experts are the famous names of the blogging industry. It includes the likes of Jon Morrow, Chiara Ferragni, Matthew Woodward and John Romaniello to Gretchen Rubin, Jeff Goins, Stuart Walker, and Benny Lewis.

However, certain bits of blogging are universal and they all agree on the following internal blog strategy:

1. Identify a Topic

Identifying a topic is key. And to develop a successful blog you need to have certain topics in your bag of tricks. After that, you can capitalize on day-in-day-out.

You could either create a series of posts or a single post but don’t create a series of posts for the sake of creating. The idea is not to burden yourself unnecessarily.

Topics can be gathered from interacting with your readers or through the questions they ask or finding the current blogging trends.

2. Write a List

By list, it means that you have main points in your head about what you will be writing on. A little brainstorming session always helps. To keep a list handy in the shape of bullet points helps your writing a blog task easier.

A little brainstorming session always helps. To keep a list handy in the shape of bullet points helps your writing a blog task easier.

The keywords in your list will act as starting points to formulate structure and build upon those ideas. When you start writing descriptive sentences around these keywords and phrases, they will eventually turn into posts. Keeping a list of at least 10 ideas is a good practice.

3. Set Targets

Staying on target is essential. Sometimes while writing it is often the case that you drift off topic as a rush of thoughts floods your mind.

Thus, it is advisable to maintain the focus and set boundaries as to where to not venture while writing.

If it is a series of posts then you must know where to cap a particular post so that you can begin the next. The points you wish to highlight in the next post must not appear in the one currently being written. And all such as aspects must be catered for when setting targets for your blog.

In an internal blog strategy, targets also have to do with how many posts you churn out daily, weekly or on a monthly basis.

4. Set up Draft Posts

So when all of the above is achieved, it is advisable to craft some drafts before going live them or publishing them.

Drafts do not necessarily have to be the full-fledged pieces of your blog. They can very well be just sentences structured around your keywords and/or phrases.

Assign each of your drafts titles and work on them to come up with the most suitable title. But just to distinguish pen down a few titles that you would like to call your post(s) with.

Don’t rush to publish them. Leave them be and come back after a while to construct it properly. Then decide on a particular title that goes with the contents of your post.

If you have a post ready to publish, just don’t make it live. Schedule it. There are many advantages of scheduling blog posts.

5. Pick a Title

Here comes the part where you pick the title for your post. Although we have discussed this above but picking a suitable title is integral to blog post’s success.

The title serves as the hook for your audience. Like – it compels your audience to read your post or why else they would. Thus, the title is as important as the content or the key takeaways therein.

You can read Neil Patel’s blog, where he has mentioned Step-by-Step Guide for Writing Powerful Headlines.

A decent fusion of keyword will render your blog tailored for SEO purposes as well. If we are talking about internal blog strategy, we can not neglect the power of SEO.

6. Announce the Series

This is the time where you go public with whatever homework you have been doing privately.

You can start by announcing the series at the start of your introductory post. If ain’t the series you could just go with your single post that you have been so diligently working on.

Ideally speaking, if you are starting out then announcing a series of posts will have your audience wanting for more. This can give your blog a head start amidst the clutter and make you stand out.

The posts do not have to be long if you are doing a series of posts. Keep them short and to the point, as you would have identified when setting your targets above.

Once, the posts are in motion, you will see visitors coming back for more. And before you know it your posts will have taken the shape of a designated blog.

Also, the feedback on each of your post will intimate you whether or not you should continue with the series or just drop and do something else or try coming up with another idea for blogging.

7. Write an Introduction to the Series

This internal blog strategy is the same as making an announcement at the aforementioned point. But, an introduction briefly touches upon what can be expected in the upcoming posts and what the current post is going to be about.

It doesn’t have to be long, just enough to convey your audience the gist of the post.

If your content is not catchy or you are unable to write your ideas, no worry! Everyone who has started blogging went through this phase. The only difference is they did not stop there. If you are consistent about writing blogs, I am sure blogging will improve your writing skills.

8. Interlink your Posts

Interlinking posts is essential.

It may be that your returning readers can read you through their RSS feed. But, a new reader may be directed towards your blog through a search engine results page so you have to have a central page to your blog. Proper links should be placed at the beginning or at the end of each post.

To leverage the maximum effect, combine all the posts with your central page to give a feel of a one single long blog post.

If you are a student and want to be the top notched blogger, follow the 5 Incredible Blogging Tips for Students. You should learn.

Wrapping Up…

If you follow internal blog strategy, with time you will be able to churn out posts on a daily basis. And eventually, the posts will become one blog where users will come to read and subscribe. You can make money off of it too but that is outside the purview of this article.

Happy Blogging!

  1. Erica says

    Blogging is a great way to build your platform. There are many blogging ways you find when you search term How to start a Blog on “Google” Last month I watched the webinar on Blogging roadmap by Jon Morrow. He is blogger and owner of smart bloggers.

    He shared such a great way of Blogging is to start writing in Medium Which is 100% free. You can write in any niche market you want.

    1. Johan says

      Great info you have shared, i will follow it in future. Thanks

    2. Aniruddha Chaudhari says

      Thanks Erica for sharing your views and some valued content here.

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